Each Watt Counts for Team Montreal`s solar house - Launch of the fundraising campaign

Released on = July 6, 2006, 11:22 am

Press Release Author = Team Montreal - Solar Decathlon 2007

Industry = Energy

Press Release Summary =
MONTREAL - July 6 2006 - Team Montreal\'s \"Each Watt Counts\" fundraising campaign was
launched yesterday at the cole de Technologie Suprieure, in Montreal. The
objective of the campaign is to raise $600 000 before March 2007, in order to cover
the costs of the conception and construction of the Team\'s solar house.

Press Release Body = MONTREAL - July 6 2006 - Team Montreal\'s \"Each Watt Counts\"
fundraising campaign was launched yesterday at the cole de Technologie Suprieure,
in Montreal. The objective of the campaign is to raise $600 000 before March 2007,
in order to cover the costs of the conception and construction of the Team\'s solar

The \"Each Watt Counts\" campaign includes all fundraising activities such as the
search for sponsors and the hunt for individual and corporative donations. Based on
the equation \"1 Watt

Web Site = http://www.solarmontreal.ca

Contact Details = Journalists : Hugues-O. Blouin, hoblouin@gmail.com, (514) 933-7140.

General inquieries : Team Montreal/quipe Montral - Solar Decathlon/Dcathlon
solaire, cole de technologie suprieure, 1100 rue Notre-Dame ouest, Montral,
Qubec, Canada, H3C 1K3. Telephone: (514) 396-8800 #7401

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